Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Places To Post Free Ads

There are a number of Internet sites allowing people to place free ads, and some of them, such as Craig's List, have become so popular that they are known all around the world. Most sites offering free classified ads make money from selling extra features such as placing ads in more favorable locations, or allowing more photographs to be displayed. Sites also generate income from selling featured advertising on their home pages.

Classifieds For Free

The Classifieds For Free website allows you to post classified ads at no cost, if you are over 18 years old. You have to register with the site to edit or delete any ads that you post, but the registration process is simple, requiring first and last name and a valid email address. You have to create a personal identification name for yourself at registration. The check box, authorizing Classifieds For Free to send special offers to your email address, is checked by default. If you don't want to receive these offers you must remember to uncheck that box when you fill out the registration form. Classifieds For Free makes its income from selling banner advertising on its own site, but you are under no obligation to buy banner advertising.

WebLeeg Free Online Classifieds

WebLeeg is a U.S. based classified ad site that does not charge you to post classified ads. You have to register to use the site, then choose a category for the ad you want to place. WebLeeg does not place any restrictions on the number of ads you place, and you can include one photo with each ad. You have to pay for additional services aimed at making ads stand out, such as making your ad a featured ad on the category home page, adding additional photos and placing your ad in a more noticeable position on the category page.

Inet Giant

Inet Giant allows you to place free ads for goods and services, and you do not need to register with them to do it. You can place two photos with your ad for free, but there is a small charge of $2 per photo if you want to place more photos with your ad. Inet Giant offer a number of paid services that you can use if you want to create an Internet sales campaign, but classified advertising remains a free service at all times. You can place ads for countries other than the United States, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Singapore.

Tags: Classifieds Free, from selling, Inet Giant, banner advertising, email address