Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What Are Some Volunteer Jobs

By volunteering, you contribute to others.

Volunteer work offers benefits like a sense of accomplishment, flexibility and, above all, the feeling that you've contributed to your community or fellow man. Some positions offer added benefits such as travel, food, shelter and other forms of non-monetary payment. Occasionally, for those who are interested, volunteer positions can lead to satisfying jobs and career opportunities.

Helping with Community Needs

Volunteering at a local soup kitchen, food bank, homeless shelter or Head Start preschool can be a rewarding way to give back to your community. Your contributions will offer invaluable assistance to people who are going through difficult times or hardship. Soup kitchens and food banks assist people in obtaining food. Often you will prepare and serve food, or organize and stock shelves. Homeless shelter volunteers often work in the kitchen preparing meals or help with other necessary tasks. Head Start is a preschool program for disadvantaged youth. Often, you'll teach the children basic academic skills, read and play games or offer affection and support.


Volunteer in a position with an organization or group that supports an issue you are passionate about. Many environmental organizations and humanitarian organizations depend on a steady stream of volunteers. Political groups often require volunteers to help with campaigns to elect politicians and to pass or reject certain bills. Additionally, many advocacy groups require volunteers to further political causes. The types of tasks involved vary, and these groups often try to make use of existing skills that volunteers posses. You may obtain signatures for a petition, draft paperwork, create advertisements, write letters or make phone calls. The most common type of assistance that these groups require is help soliciting funds and donations.

International Opportunities

Many international organizations and groups require volunteer assistance. International volunteer positions give U.S. citizens the opportunity to travel and work alongside individuals from different countries and backgrounds. Volunteers are often needed in various roles such as building homes, caring for orphans or teaching life skills to adults. Volunteers are also needed to assist with biological studies and conservation science efforts. Often, volunteer positions are available as brief assignments, which is convenient for students during holidays. Certain groups also seek out volunteers with professional qualifications who can offer specialized assistance that people otherwise would not receive. This includes teachers, scientists, doctors, dentists and other professionals.

Finding Volunteer Jobs

Finding a volunteer job can be a simple or extensive process. Many groups will pair potential volunteers with organizations that fit their interests and needs. If you are seeking a particular type of job that requires a certain level of commitment, you may go through an extensive application and interviewing process to ensure that you are a good fit with the organization. Since you will be donating time and skills, it is important to select a group or organization you are interested in and passionate about.

Tags: groups require, volunteer positions, assistance that, groups often, Head Start, Head Start preschool