Protect animals by standing up for their rights.
If you have compassion for animals and want to help put an end to cruelty and mistreatment that occurs on a daily basis--you don't have to sit back. There are various ways to work toward this and make your voice heard. As Harriet Beecher Stowe once said: "It's a matter of taking the side of the weak against the strong, something the best people have always done." Here are some ways to advocate for those without a voice.
1. Visit and familiarize yourself with animal protection organization websites such as the Humane Society of the United States, ASPCA, PETA, Last Chance for Animals, Best Friends Animal Society, International Fund for Animal Welfare, In Defense of Animals, World Society for the Protection of Animals, Animal Welfare Institute, Animal Protection Institute and Farm Sanctuary for action alerts and to find out get involved in animal welfare campaigns throughout the world--including boycotts, demonstrations, contacting political officials and signing petitions (see Resources below).
2. Sign up for newsletters from these organizations so that you can stay updated on the latest animal welfare campaigns and issues.
3. Go to Care2's Petition Site and sign animal-related petitions or create petitions of your own. Once you reach your signature goal you can present it to the appropriate individuals, companies or political leaders that you would like to effect change.
4. Email or call the offices of your political officials, including city council members, county supervisor, congress members, assembly members and state senators to show support/opposition to animal-related legislation or public policy.
5. Attend hearings at city hall or your state capital when animal welfare legislation is being introduced. The more who show up in support, the better the chances of it being passed into law.
6. Find out where trials will take place for those arrested for animal abuse violations and arrange to attend. The more who attend, the stronger the message it sends.
7. Participate in demonstrations and boycotts against individuals, businesses and corporations that abuse animals or do business with those involved in abusive practices. For instance, join a rally or organize your own at a pet store that sells puppies, or boycott and spread the word about fast food chains that utilize inhumane factory farming such as KFC or a meat company that inhumanely transports their animals for slaughter. Procter & Gamble is a major corporation that continues to support unnecessary testing on animals. Boycott their products and tell everyone you know to do the same. Check product labels for the name "Procter & Gamble"-there are many-including Ivory Soap and even Iams and Eukanuba dog foods! Huntingdon Life Sciences, with offices in England, Japan and New Jersey, conducts testing on 75,000 animals per year, including rats, rabbits, pigs, dogs and primates-with documented evidence of repeated cruelty. For more information on HLS, including a list of their shareholders and companies that do business with them, as well as receive action alerts, visit the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty website, (see link in Resources below).
8. Spread the word to people you know and encourage them to join you in contacting political officials, signing petitions, attending demonstrations and boycotting products/businesses. Educate people who may be unknowingly supporting animal abuse. For instance: the owners of a restaurant that serves veal or foie gras, people you know who buy products that are tested on animals and those who patronize rodeos, greyhound races or the Ringling Bros. Circus.
9. Join a local animal welfare Meetup group and get to know other activists in your area. The Meetup website lists a variety of groups from animal rescue to vegetarians/vegans, as well as individual activists in cities throughout the world (see Resources below).
10. Utilize the Internet to help spread your message. Set up MySpace and Facebook accounts to alert friends about important animal issues in the news and locally, pets that are up for adoption, animals in need and other ways they can help animals and spread the word to others. Join and post animal welfare-related articles and "digg" other animal-related stories. Whenever you get the opportunity, post comments on forums, blogs and news stories that pertain to animal issues. Create your own blog that addresses animal issues.
Tags: animal issues, political officials, Resources below, action alerts, animal abuse, animal welfare