Selling items on Craigslist is free and simple.
Using Craigslist to sell items is a quick, simple, and free way to get rid of your unwanted items and make some money. Posting an ad to sell an item on Craigslist is free. Note that you are not allowed to post to multiple Craigslist locations nor are you allowed to keep re-posting to keep your item at the top of the list.
Things to Do Before You Post
1. Create an account. It isn't required, but it will make things easier. You will be able to keep track of the the posts that you place in Craigslist. You can create an account by clicking the "My Account" link in the upper left corner of the site and following the prompts.
2. Take a picture of the items you want to sell. People are more likely to buy an item that they can see.
3. Determine the correct price for your items by searching eBay or other Craigslist posts if it is a common item to see what the item usually goes for.
4. Figure out if the items are pickup only or if you will deliver. This is something that should be included in your post.
Posting to Craigslist With an Account
5. Go to Craigslist's site (see link in Resources) and double check that you are on the particular Craigslist site you want to post to. If you aren't, navigate to that site using the links in the upper right corner of the page.
6. Log in to your account by clicking the "My Account" link in the upper left corner of the site and then click the "New Posting" tab in the upper left of the page.
7. Make sure the proper city is shown in the Post New Ad In: drop-down menu and click "Go."
8. Select the "For Sale" item in the list and you will be automatically moved to the next page. Ensure that you are not posting prohibited or recalled items -- you can click the little questions mark links next to the words "prohibited" and "recalled" in the nearby warning for more information.
9. Choose a category from the many listed.
10. Enter a posting title, price, specific location, and description. The more descriptive you are, the better chance you have of selling it. Include any damage or other notes on the condition of the product that the seller should know about.
11. Click "Anonymize" or "Hide" to either have Craigslist give you an anonymous email address or to hide your email altogether. If you do hide your email you will have to give some other method of contacting you in the post itself.
12. Click "Add/Edit Images" to add up to four images of the item. For each image, click "Choose File," browse to the file and click "Open." Leave the "ok for others to contact you about other services, products or commercial interests " box unchecked unless you want others to be able to contact you about unrelated services, products or commercial interests.
13. Click "Continue" and review your post. If it needs further editing, click "Edit Again" to edit the file and click "Continue" again when you're done. When your post is complete, click "Continue" once more.
14. Check your email and verify your email address by clicking on the link in the email Craigslist sends you. Keep the email to easily edit your post later.
Posting to Craigslist Without an Account
15. Go to Craigslist's site (see link in Resources) and double check that you are on the particular Craigslist site you want to post to. If you aren't, navigate to that site using the links in the upper right corner of the page.
16. Click "Post to Classifieds" in the upper left corner of the page.
17.Select the "For Sale" item in the list and you will be automatically moved to the next page. Ensure that you are not posting prohibited or recalled items -- you can click the little questions mark links next to the words "prohibited" and "recalled" in the nearby warning for more information.
18. Choose a category from the many listed and then choose the area closest to you on the next page. Choose a more refined location, if offered, or choose "Bypass this Step."
19. Enter a posting title, price, specific location, and description. The more descriptive you are, the better chance you have of selling it. Include any damage or other notes on the condition of the product that the seller should know about.
20. Enter your email address in both relevant fields and then select "Anonymize" or "Hide" to either have Craigslist give you an anonymous email address or to hide your email altogether. If you do hide your email you will have to give some other method of contacting you in the post itself.
21. Click "Add/Edit Images" to add up to four images of the item. For each image, click "Choose File," browse to the file and click "Open." Leave the "ok for others to contact you about other services, products or commercial interests " box unchecked unless you want others to be able to contact you about unrelated services, products or commercial interests.
22. Click "Continue" and review your post. If it needs further editing, click "Edit Again" to edit the file and click "Continue" again when you're done. When your post is complete, click "Continue" once more.
23. Check your email and verify your email address by clicking on the link in the email Craigslist sends you. Keep the email to easily edit your post later.
24. Click the "Accept the Terms of Use" button to accept Craigslist's terms of service.
Tags: your email, your post, email address, commercial interests, contact about, Craigslist site