Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Meet Women In Places Besides Bars And Nightclubs

Meet Women in places besides bars and nightclubs

Wow! I can't believe the response that I've had with my other EHow articles on meet women. I guess there must be a lot of lonely, single men surfing the internet! Who knew?

Here's a piece of advice for you fellas You've got to unplug if you want to meet girls! Log off of Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo chatrooms, and try something bold and new: Talking to women in person!

But where can you find these elusive beautiful women? Forget about bars and clubs, that's old news. Too much competition from all the other desperate guys just like yourself.

Think outside the box, son. It's a big world out there, with plenty of fish in the sea. Sit back and try to learn a thing or two.


1. Take a good look around the next time you're in front of a bar at 2 AM. What kind of girls do you see? Usually, it's nothing but the drunk ones, and they usually look pretty sloppy by that time.

It's time to add a little class to your act, and nothing says "classy" like reading books! Make a point to hang out at your local Barnes and Noble more often. When you spot an attractive woman browsing the shelves, make a comment about her selection. The best part is, should you make a connection, the Starbucks is available for a quick "mini-date", where the girl won't feel threatened or pressured.

Note to guys on a budget: It's okay to try this routine at your local library instead. Chances are, if a girl would rather check out books than buy them, you can almost certainly say that she's not a gold digger.

2. Next, try thinking green! Environmentalism is such an aphrodisiac these days, and you never know who you'll meet while waiting for public transportation.

If a good looking girl catches your eye, all you have to do is ask if your number bus or train has come by yet. It's a perfectly innocent conversation starter that can lead to discussions about work, where you live, etc.

Here's a free tip to make you seem classy: Once you've established contact, don't jump right into asking for her number. Wait for a few days, after you've had a couple of short "commuting dates" in the morning. Then, it'll seem natural when you suggest hanging out after work.

3. Let's face it fellas, if you want to meet chicks, you've got to go where the chicks are. As much as I hate to say it, that means you've got to go SHOPPING! It's best on your wallet if you can keep this brief, though. Maybe a quick cruise through the mall during your lunch break.

The trick here is to loiter around a non-threatening section of the store, like Books or Housewares (Lingerie is a no-no!). If you see a gorgeous babe checking out a product, offer your opinion of it. If she responds favorably, try to keep the conversation going. Make sure to stick to neutral topics, like entertainment.

Again, if there's a cafe nearby, you can always suggest a quick coffee to keep the conversation going. The key is to maintain your momentum!

4. Last, but not least, remember not to neglect your day job. Even though most relationship experts would tell you not to date anyone in the office, think of your co-workers as hubs in your social network.

Make sure to maintain good relationships with your female workers, and most importantly, avoid doing or saying anything creepy or impolite. Women have a tendency to want to fix their friends up with guys, and this plays right into your hands. With any luck, your name will come up in conversation, as in "You ought to meet this guy at my job. He's really sweet..."

Tags: conversation going, keep conversation, keep conversation going, Make sure, Meet Women, right into