Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fund Raise For Animal Shelters

Animal shelter fundraising programs often support pet adoption efforts.

Animal shelters serve the welfare of cats, dogs and other domestic pets such as guinea pigs and rabbits. Shelter services vary but commonly include animal adoption programs and reduced-cost spay/neuter clinics in conjunction with local veterinarians. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) also conducts humane education programs to teach school children about animal care. Shelter staff often provide poison control information to pet owners and conduct animal cruelty investigations as needed. Continuing maintenance, staffing and operational expenses require animal shelters to engage in frequent fundraising efforts.


1. Document the shelter's fundraising needs. Meet with the animal shelter's board of directors about the shelter's projected financial needs. Analyze the forecasted income and expenses for the upcoming year. List scheduled fundraising events and total estimated event income. Agree on a figure that represents the revenue necessary to fully fund the shelter's budget.

2. Launch a shelter animal sponsorship program. Sponsorship programs reduce shelter operating costs, thereby decreasing the revenue required from fundraising programs. Work with local businesses, veterinarians and individual donors to subsidize vaccination, de-worming and sterilization costs for animal shelter residents. For example, the Muskogee, Oklahoma, Animal Shelter began its program in September 2010 and reported nine September sponsorships. Other sponsorship programs encourage area residents to pay for an animal's care until it is adopted.

3. Conduct merchandise sales campaigns. Fundraising campaigns frequently involve sales of merchandise such as candy, popcorn and wrapping paper. These events succeed because organizers purchase merchandise cheaply and sell it at higher prices to generate income. Obtain information on merchandise sales programs from a source like the All Fundraising Companies Directory (see Resources). Another option is to hold a shelter garage sale, in which members and volunteers scour homes and garages for marketable merchandise. Garage sales also can include income opportunities such as bake sales, nail trims by veterinary technicians and chair massages.

4. Partner with local and regional restaurants. Food and wine tastings are well-known animal shelter fundraising events. An upscale restaurant hosts one type of food and wine event, in which a gourmet meal is accompanied by appropriate wine choices. The shelter receives discounted food and wine prices, and each ticket price includes a substantial shelter donation. Other food and wine events can be held at convention centers or hotels and spotlight many restaurants' menu selections under one roof. Attendees purchase one event ticket to sample many food and wine offerings.

5. Host seasonal fundraising events. Conduct shelter events in conjunction with recognized holiday and seasonal occasions. The Thanksgiving to New Year's holiday season provides an ideal venue for a holiday auction featuring donated artwork, services and vacations. Hold the event at an upscale hotel and invite well-known local celebrities to headline the evening. Many shelters sponsor "Photos With Santa" events in which pet owners purchase a photo of a special pet with Santa Claus. Repeat this event with the Easter Bunny. Conduct a Halloween costume contest, with decked-out pets sponsored by owners who donate pet entry fees.

6. Open an animal shelter thrift store. Animal shelters frequently operate thrift stores that sell donated merchandise to support shelter operations. Thrift stores are often established in donated or low-rent space and are generally operated by volunteers and minimal paid staff. Space constraints commonly determine the shop's merchandise. For example, some thrift stores accept large furniture items, appliances and building materials. Other shops limit donations to occasional furniture, small appliances and household sundries.

Tags: animal shelter, food wine, fundraising events, shelter fundraising, with local, animal care, conjunction with