Monday, January 12, 2015

The Best Animal Charities To Donate To

Animal charities range from helping all animals to specific types and breeds.

To protect our world's animals from becoming extinct, starving or being subjected to animal cruelty, many have opted to create charities specifically to protect animals and ensure their rights. Running a charity organization takes a lot of dedication and can represent a huge financial strain, so donating to a charity of your choice will help support your cause and expand its awareness. Choosing the ideal charity that is right for you is possible by brainstorming your own opinions and stances you feel strongly about regarding animal rights.


Founded in 1980, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is currently one of the largest animal rights groups known worldwide, with over 2 million members as of 2011. PETA believes that animals are not for wearing, entertainment, eating or for scientific experimentation -- but are rather beings that deserve rights and consideration by humans, regardless of their use to them. PETA's attention is focused on various industries where animals are suffering immensely, such as in the entertainment industry, laboratories, factory farms and even in the clothing and manufacturing trade industry. PETA features free membership options from its website directly ( along with monthly membership options to help bring just treatment to animals of all species.

Last Chance For Animals

Last Chance For Animals (LCA) is a foundation, based in California, focused on stopping the pain and neglect of animals. Last Chaance recognizes that animals also experience pain as humans do; members of this group peacefully protest to have their voices heard on the issues at hand. LCA ( believes that animals and nonhumans should not be forced and subjected to experience pain and exploitation by humans. Donations to LCA are accepted online, through monthly gift memberships; gifts of properties and vehicles are encouraged to help finance the organization's work.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was founded by Henry Bergh in 1866 in New York City with the mission "to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States." The ASPCA works to care for at-risk animals and pets in shelters throughout the country along with running programs and services for pet behavior issues and animal poison control centers. The ASPCA also features adoption services to save animals from being euthanized and put to sleep by animal pounds. The ASPCA ( encourages membership within the charity, offers several ways to donate online and provides individuals with the opportunity to become an activist for the foundation.

World Society for the Protection of Animals

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) promotes animal welfare, from helping animals in need during disasters, to preventing cruelty toward both wildlife and domesticated animals. The WSPA builds sanctuaries for animals that are endangered or are at risk of being culled and farmed by hunters or companies that sell their body parts for food and meat. The WSPA also works to encourage education on animal culling and proper, humane treatment of animals throughout the public school system. The WSPA features petitions to sign promoting improvements in animal rights along with the option to donate directly through its website ( and currently holds offices in 150 countries worldwide.

Mercy For Animals

Mercy For Animals (MFA) was founded in 1999 and as of 2011 currently has over 50,000 supporters within the charity foundation. MFA promotes itself as an animal rights organization that promotes a vegetarian diet and is working toward a society where animals are not treated with cruelty or inhumanely. MFA believes all animals deserve compassion, love and respect -- not harm. MFA investigates issues having to do with cruelty toward animals of all types, and also promotes a vegan lifestyle. They also host events throughout the country in support of their anti-cruelty cause. MFA features online donating options to help fund its mission (

Tags: animal rights, along with, that animals, American Society, American Society Prevention, animals from