Marine conservation grants help ensure that marine ecosystems survive and thrive.
Marine conservation grants help ensure that marine ecosystems survive and thrive. You can access grants for marine conservation projects and programs through foundations, universities, and local environmental and community organizations. Funding from large international organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy, may be accessible if your project is part of a larger systemic approach to a marine conservation issue. Otherwise, applying for grants from mid-tier organizations may be less time-consuming and financially viable.
New England Marine Conservation Action Fund Grants
An effort of the New England Aquarium in Boston, Massachusetts to provide funding for time-sensitive conservation issues through providing financial, professional and technical assistance, the Marine Conservation Action Fund aims to make big conservation gains through strategic and timely support of urgent issues. The aims of its fund are to "help advance the state of our knowledge about threatened animals and ecosystems and help put measures in place to protect them." Examples of projects funded in the past include whale-watching programs in Costa Rica and marine mammal conservation education programs in Madagascar. Contact the fund coordinator for further information.
Marine Conservation Action Fund Coordinator
Global Marine Programs
New England Aquarium
Central Wharf
Boston, MA 02110
Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation Grants
The Munson Foundation allocates over 85 percent of its grant program to the conservation of natural resources in North America and the Caribbean Basin, with emphasis on the United States. Ranked first in the foundation’s list of its major program areas is marine resource conservation and management with an emphasis on fisheries. Second on this list of priorities is South Florida ecosystems. Most grants are restricted and require a 1:1 match; no grants will be made to individuals or endowment funds. To apply send a one- to two-page letter of inquiry outlining a brief project description, total budget, other sources of funding, and expected completion date prior to sending any additional materials. Letters of inquiry should be submitted by April 9 or Sept. 10. Grants generally range from $10,000 to $50,000; approximately $1.4 million is available annually.
The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation
1990 M St., NW, Suite 250
Washington, D.C. 20036
Marine Turtle Conservation Fund Grants
In 2004, Congress passed the Marine Turtle Conservation Act establishing this fund to support projects that will enhance sustainable conservation programs to ensure effective, long-term conservation of marine turtles. Applications from government agencies, non-profits, educational institutions, individuals, and private sector businesses and organizations are accepted. Projects enhancing conservation of threatened or endangered species will be prioritized. Applications are due to the Fish and Wildlife Service Oct. 1 and April 1 of each year. For complete application instructions refer to the Notice of Funding Availability relevant to this fund.
Marine Turtle Conservation Fund
International Affairs
Office of the Chief, Suite 100
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203
Tags: Action Fund, Conservation Action, Conservation Action Fund, Marine Conservation, Marine Conservation Action, Marine Turtle