Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bach Rescue Remedy In Cats

Bach Rescue Remedy is a flower essence, a substance similar to a homeopathic remedy. The Bach flower remedies were created by homeopath Edward Bach in the early 20th century. The same process is used around the world to create remedies for people and animals. Individual flower remedies are used for different purposes, based on the characteristics of the flowers. Rescue Remedy is the most popular, as reported by the Flower Essence Society, and is used by holistic veterinarians, animal trainers and pet groomers, as well as by individual pet owners.


Rescue Remedy is one brand of Bach's flower essence formulas for dealing with stress and emergencies. First used in the 1930s, it contains star of Bethlehem, rock rose, impatiens, cherry plum and clematis. Bach chose those flowers primarily for their effects on shock, fear, panic, mental agitation and lack of emotional control. The typical strength is fairly low. It is also known as Calming Essence or Five Flower Formula.


Flower essences are created by filling glass containers with pure water, then adding flower blossoms. After sitting in direct sunlight for 3 hours, the flowers are removed from the liquid, and the liquid is preserved in brandy. This mixture is diluted a second time with brandy to create the stock remedy. Typically, a third dilution is used to create the solution used for dosing, though some people choose to use the stock remedy. Rescue Remedy can be purchased in health stores or created at home.


Holistic animal-care practitioners recommend using Rescue Remedy for a variety of issues in cats. Cats often experience fear or stress because of changes in environment. These changes can be related to being in a shelter, having their owner pass away, being in a new home (with or without the same people) or being at a kennel. Other situations that cause stress for cats include being chased by a person or animal, losing their mother too early, or going through surgery or other medical treatment. Most advocates use Rescue Remedy for any situation in which a cat seems to be fearful, aggressive or under stress.


Rescue Remedy is an easy-to-use substance that does not carry the potential side effects that many over-the-counter and prescription medicines have. If a given flower essence is not appropriate for a person or animal, it will simply have no effect. In addition, the remedies can be combined, and will not interfere with each other. Because animals do not experience a placebo effect, it is possible to determine whether Rescue Remedy works simply by observing the effects after one or more applications. Many users report observing rapid improvements in their cats.


The preferred method for administering Rescue Remedy is putting it directly in the cat's mouth. It can be dropped in with the dropper or rubbed onto the cat's teeth and gums using a finger. If one of these procedures adds further stress to the cat, alternate methods may be required. Many people dilute a few drops of the remedy in water and use a spray bottle to spray it on the animal's fur and in the location where the cat spends time. Another option is to rub the remedy into the skin, such as behind the ears, on the paw pads or on the nose, where it will be absorbed or licked off.


Increasing the potency of flower essences is accomplished not by giving a greater single dosage, but by giving it more often. The recommendation is to start with a few drops once or twice a day, such as first thing in the morning and again at bedtime. Some animal health experts recommend limiting the use of Rescue Remedy for times when the animal is showing aggression, and not using it indiscriminately in every stress situation.


Always check with your veterinarian before you start, stop or change anything that has been prescribed for your cat. Your vet will know the best approach to take to treat, diagnose, prescribe or cure any ailment.

Tags: Rescue Remedy, Bach flower, Bach Rescue, Bach Rescue Remedy, flower essence, flower remedies, person animal