Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Open A Not For Profit Cat Adoption Agency

A cat adoption agency is a godsend for any stray or abandoned cats that have no home. Starting a nonprofit cat adoption agency involves significant amounts of time and effort. You will need to go through the process of starting a nonprofit corporation as well as getting the proper facilities in place to start an animal shelter.


1. Get your legal entity in place. The first step in starting any not for profit entity is business registration as a nonprofit corporation. This is usually done through the secretary of state's office. You can use online incorporation services like LegalFilings and LegalZoom to make this process easy.

2. Get approval as a charity by completing a 501(c)(3) application. This application is separate from the one described above and is filed with the federal government through the IRS. This gives your cat adoption agency tax-exempt status and allows people to make tax-deductible donations to your nonprofit. Bear in mind that this is a lengthy process and can take several months. It is not advisable to take on filing this application on your own. LegalFilings can handle both your incorporation and 501(c)(3) application at an affordable price.

3. Develop a fund-raising strategy. Figure out how you expect to raise money for your new nonprofit. Options include online fund-raising using social networking sites or even personal email lists in concert with Google, Paypal, Blackbaud or Network for Good. You also can explore offline means such as direct mail and local fundraisers.

4. Find a location. If you are starting a cat adoption agency, you should have a shelter in which to keep the animals. In addition to looking for a proper location that is healthy and suitable for cats, you will need to comply with local ordinances and laws. Check with local authorities to ensure you have the right permissions to open a shelter in the location you choose.

5. Have an advertising budget and strategy. You will need to advertise for the following: people to bring stray cats when they find them, people to adopt cats, and volunteers to help with your staffing needs. When you do get people who are interested in adopting, you should have a way of screening them to ensure they are qualified to take care of pets. You should also have an adoption contract.

6. Get your staffing in place. Recruit veterinarians and other animal specialists to volunteer their time to help you in taking care of rescued animals, which are often in need of medical attention. You may also need vet technicians to help you with intake of new cats as well as with training volunteers.

7. Stock up on supplies and open the agency. You will need to buy food and other supplies for the care of cats. You are now ready to open for business.

Tags: will need, adoption agency, help with, nonprofit corporation, should have, with local