Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Volunteer Projects Children Can Help With

There are many ways kids can be involved in volunteering.

There are many ways, both big and small, that children can get involved in volunteering. Volunteer activities may range from making a card to send a soldier, helping to pick up garbage along the roadway, collecting and donating books for literacy programs or visiting the elderly in a nursing home. By conducting a little research, parents will discover many organizations which offer kid-friendly volunteer activities. Allowing children to volunteer gives them a sense of compassion and responsibility. It also instills in them the importance of giving back to their community.

Holiday Projects

The holidays offer many volunteer opportunities for children. Many schools across the country have some sort of giving tree near the holidays which is usually organized by the school's student council group. Children are encouraged to donate new hats, mittens and gloves, canned food and coats which can then be donated to the local food pantry. Local churches often have a list of families which can be adopted for the holidays. Adopting a family can be a great family volunteer opportunity where children learn the importance of giving to those who are not as fortunate as they are. Around the holidays, many food pantries and soup kitchens are understaffed and yet still filled with those in need. Donating a day as a family to serve food, clear tables or clean dishes at a food pantry is another great opportunity for children.

Year-Round Volunteering

Find local year-round volunteering options like collecting clothes, books and shoes to donate to the local Goodwill store. Talk to children about a local disaster, such a hurricane, and how they can help others by collecting and donating items to families in need. Area animal shelters and wildlife refuges may have lists of items they would like donated. Helping younger children pick items off the list to collect and donate is a way introduce the concept of volunteering throughout the year. Older children may enjoy volunteering some time at a local museum serving as a guide. Others may enjoy visiting a nursing home to visit with the residents.

Tips for Selecting Opportunities

Consider the age, likes and dislikes of the child before selecting possible volunteer opportunities. Find volunteer activities geared toward the child's interests to encourage a long-term commitment on the part of the child. Also consider how much time a child has to volunteer.


Very young children may not enjoy certain activities such as visiting nursing homes to visit with the elderly. In addition, the nursing home may have age restrictions. A once a week obligation such as helping in the church nursery during services might be good for some children, while a weekly museum guide position may be too often a responsibility for others.

Tags: nursing home, children enjoy, collecting donating, food pantry, importance giving