Give certificates to employees who completed training within your organization
Many organizations hold training sessions within the company to train employees on a variety of skills and procedures. Some companies hold human resource training, employee orientation, safety training as well as training specific to a person's job. Consider handing out certificates of completion to employees after they successfully completed a training session. Create a certificate of training completion in a user-friendly program like PowerPoint.
1. Determine the style of certificate you are going to give to employees. For instance, if the training session included different job types in your organization, you may want to have a different certificate for each. You may want one certificate for employees, a different one for supervisors and managers. Think about the types of information you want on the certificate such as the name of the training, the dates the participant attended, whether you want an official signature or not and how you want the information organized.
2. Decide on a template to use for your certificate. There are an abundance of styles from which to choose. Microsoft Office Online has templates that you can easily download and use to create a training certificate. Simply visit the Templates page on the Microsoft Office site and download the template into PowerPoint. Once there, you can easily add your own individual company training information.
3. Enter your specific training information onto the certificate after you download the proper template. Training certificates usually include the participant's name and the date that they completed the training. Also, add the name of the training course and any relevant course number to the certificate.
4. Add a signature to the certificate which will give it an official look. Add a line to the bottom of the certificate with the authorized signer's name and title underneath. Have that person sign the certificates once they have been prepared. To add an electronic signature to your certificate, simply have the officiating party sign a blank sheet of paper. Then scan the paper to your computer and add it to the certificate. This is helpful if you have a lot of certificates to hand out after a particularly large training event.
5. Add your company logo to the certificate. To do this, you must have your logo saved as a JPEG or other type of graphic file format. Decide where on the certificate you are going to place your logo. When you are using PowerPoint to design the certificate, click on Insert and then choose Picture. Find the name of the logo at the location you have it saved, click Filename and then select open.
6. Print your document after you reviewed it for accuracy. You may want to use a heavy bond paper so the certificate is sturdier. Also, office supply stores carry heavier stock paper with borders and graphics that you could use for training certificates. Add the paper to your printer and choose the print option. Then present the certificates to the participants after the completion of the training.
Tags: completed training, certificate going, Microsoft Office, name training, paper your