Raise a Dog in an Apartment
Taking care of a dog in an apartment can be a little risky. Dogs love to chew, bite and scratch. That can create a problem for your precious security deposit if you do not take the necessary precautions. Of course, you will first need to make sure that a pet dog is allowed in your apartment. Refer to your lease to find out if dogs are permitted. If they are you can raise a dog in your apartment. To do this appropriately you should follow these steps to ensure your dog is happy and healthy, you get your security deposit back, and you keep your landlord happy.
1. Choose the right breed to raise in an apartment. Large dogs are not recommended for apartment living. Medium and small dogs are much more suitable. Sporting dogs, including Irish Setters, Pointers, Retrievers and English Setters, are also not suitable for apartment living. Larger dogs and sporting dogs require more exercise and space than apartment living can offer. Toy dogs, such as Chihuahuas, are ideal for apartment living.
2. Take your dog to a groomer. Have it get a bath; get its nails clipped fur trimmed. Having your dog's nails clipped will make it less likely that your apartment floors will get scratched. You might not have the space in your apartment to bathe your dog, so a groomer can do a great job. Having your dog's fur trimmed will make sure it is comfortable and will keep your furniture from getting covered in fur. Get some good grooming tips from the professional dog groomer and buy a good brush for your dog.
3. Train your dog. Your dog will need to be well behaved or you could be asked to send your dog away. You can hire a trainer to teach your dog to respond to basic commands, go to the bathroom outside, sleep in its own bed and keep the barking to a minimum. Since you are in an apartment and you want your security deposit back, you will also need to train your dog not to bite or scratch furniture, door frames, floors, carpets and counters. Bring this up to the trainer so he can help you.
4. Walk your dog every day, at least two times a day. This will ensure that your dog has a chance to relieve itself twice a day, and that it will get the necessary exercise. Each walk should be at least 30 minutes or more. Well-behaved dogs get the exercise they need. If you have a park close by you should take your dog to play.
5. Get dog supplies. Your dog will need its own bed, chew toys, food dishes, dog food, leash, collar, license and tag and grooming supplies.
Tags: apartment living, your apartment, security deposit, bite scratch, deposit back, Having your, keep your