Proportional differences between babies and adults are similar for all mammals.
Tigers are very distinctive and beautiful looking creatures. A baby tiger will show all the traits of a cub which has entirely different proportions than that a full grown adult. When drawing a baby tiger, you can achieve better results by determining how these proportions are different. In general, the key differences are a shorter torso, a larger head in relation to the body, and shorter limbs. Another thing to consider in this drawing is the complexity of the fur and color of a tiger.
1. Select some good quality images of baby tigers to use as references. Choose one image that shows the entire cub in a position you wish to draw, such as the baby tiger from the front and sitting down, for example. Place the image beside your drawing area for easy reference. The more detailed the image is, the more detail you can transfer into your drawing.
2. Draw a circle in the center of the paper to indicate the torso of the baby tiger. Draw another, slightly larger circle directly above, and slightly overlapping the first circle below for the head of the tiger. Draw the outline of the big ears as they emerge on either side of the larger circle near the top. Draw an oval or circle to indicate the four paws placed around the torso with the baby tiger in the sitting position.
3. Draw a vertical line through the middle of the large circle on top. Draw a shorter horizontal line through the center, intersecting the vertical line in the middle. Draw two small half circles for the eyes on either side under the horizontal line with the open end facing away from the center on an angle. Draw the heart-shaped nose in the middle below the eyes. Draw two up-curved lines for the mouth in the center, underneath the nose.
4. Draw the eyes as two black spots coming from the semi-circles and close them in with a line around the bottom. Draw eyebrows over the eyes and two short lines curving back from either side of the nose, to indicate the little muzzle. Draw fuzzy lines inside the outline of the ears and fuzzy fur lines along the outline of the head to indicate fuzzy baby tiger fur.
5. Draw the outlines of the limbs and the detail of the paws. Draw the pads on the underside of the paws where visible and the toes. Connect the two circles with fuzzy fur lines growing outward from the body. Draw the outline of the tail as it appears curled up on one side. Indicate the hind legs with short lines around the bottom. draw the arms coming down from either side, partially overlapping the hind legs.
6. Use more fuzzy lines to begin drawing the tiger stripes. Use light short strokes in the direction of the fur-growth (outward from the center of the head), and continue until the stripes cover the face, ears, limbs and tail. Draw them in irregular jagged lines to make them resemble the real thing. Erase any mistakes re-draw the stripes.
7. Keep the underside of the baby tiger white, but draw a few lines to give the tiger some shape. The fuzziest outlines should be the ones between the ears and between the ears and the mouth. Add more layers of fur with fine lines and lightly rub a chamois over the tiger to blend.
8. Add final detail by drawing in the whiskers coming out between the nose and mouth area. Clean up any smudging from the blending process to finish your drawing.
Tags: baby tiger, either side, fuzzy lines, baby tiger, tiger Draw