Monday, May 11, 2015

Make Money In Virtual World

The virtual world economy has merged with the real world economy in an event unanticipated by the original developers of the Second Life games, which began making their presence felt across the Internet in recent years. According publications including Forbes, Business Weekly and the Washington Post, making a living in the virtual world can translate to a full-time income and in some cases, substantial net worth in the real world. Here's the kicker; the economies of the virtual world, are not much different from the real world. The sustainability however, remains to be seen as some governments are moving to enact legislation to curb such practices.


1. Set up a virtual world account and then create a Second Life character inside that virtual world. Explore the virtual world and find out what type of skills, products and services are in demand. Each virtual world is different, according to the objective of the game, but the economies showing startling similarities to the real world. Keep this in mind when planning your strategies in the virtual world. You want to accrue skill, products and knowledge inside the virtual world that demand value.

2. Invest in land and property in the virtual world. Just like in the real world, land ownership builds net worth and value. As players accrue land, shortages occur, creating value beyond the virtual world, where players become willing to fork over real cash to purchase property. You can make your land holdings even more valuable by developing them, just like in the real world.

3. Create products and invent new things in the virtual world that help other succeed in their second life. Just like in the real world, new inventions, fashionable clothing, improved weapons and inventions that make life easier are in demand and increase in value.

4. Establish a business in your virtual world that specializes in investing in the virtual world's currency. The objective is to amass as much virtual world currency as possible through your skills, knowledge, land holdings, developments and products.

5. Visit your games "Market Exchange" to exchange your virtual world currency, landholdings, skill, products and properties for real world currency. If your game does not have an exchange, there are third-party exchanges where you can accomplish this (see Resources).

Tags: virtual world, real world, virtual world, world currency, like real