The original Friends of the Animal Shelter is a nonprofit organization in Jackson County, Oregon. There are several "Friends" programs in each state. These programs help animal shelters find homes for pets, help to improve the lives of animals in shelters and promote spaying and neutering. Additionally, these programs help shelters with fund-raising, administrative duties and outreach services.
1. Create a nonprofit entity by choosing a business name and registering the name with your state's Department of Corporations (most states call this government entity the "Department of Corporations," but it may be known as other names, depending on your state). Open bank accounts and obtain any licenses required by your state (if any).
2. Apply for a 501(c)3 status with the Internal Revenue Service. Download the application from It takes several months for the IRS to process the application and fees vary based on how much the organization expects to bring in each year. The instructions for the 501(c)3 application are also available from
3. Plan several fund-raising activities while you are waiting for your 501(c)3 application to be approved. Planning early allows you to implement fund-raising as soon as the 501(c)3 application is approved.
4. Draft a plan to help shelters. The plan should include which shelters you are willing to help (usually based on the shelter's reputation and mission statement). The plan outlines the type of help you are willing and able to give, whether you can provide foster homes for animals in shelters and, whether you can provide emergency vet bill assistance for shelters. Drafting a plan early allows you to be prepared to help in emergency situations.
5. Determine how much money is kept available for donations and how you will replenish that money. Because there are many shelters that need money for emergency vet services in addition to everyday care of the animals, there should be a consistent fund-raising schedule with ongoing projects. Even if you represent one or two shelters, the shelters may have animals that need emergency vet care every day, especially if the shelter works with state or county run animal pounds (shelters may pull animals on death row from the pounds).
Tags: your state, Animal Shelter, animals shelters, application approved, Department Corporations, early allows, Friends Animal