Skunks are aggressive and will bite or spray when approached.
The skunk is an omnivorous mammal belonging to the family of weasels. Skunks are nocturnal creatures that forage for food in the evening and night hours. Armed with sharp claws and fowl scented spray glands, the skunk has few predators. Oftentimes, a skunk's injuries are due to conflict with a fox, hawk, owl or snake. Rescuing skunks requires a considerable amount of work, patience and understanding of the species. Starting a skunk rescue, or a nonprofit rescue, is one way to begin helping injured or abandoned skunks or relinquishment of pet skunks.
1. Learn about the skunk and care for it. Have the knowledge and facts to support your business. The rescue is a public organization within the community; being knowledgeable about the species sets a good example to the public. A rescuer needs to be organized and well-informed.
2. Address the community's need for a skunk rescue. Research the community's current rescue and shelter organizations. Find out if the existing organizations offer skunk rescue, and determine if there is a need in the community for additional skunk rescue services.
3. Raise money by way of donations. Shelters run on donations from the public. Advertise the shelter by holding an auction or charity event where all proceeds go to the opening of the shelter.
4. Build a team of members and support agents, called a board. Board members should be knowledgeable in skunk care and management. Find a veterinarian to join the board who is willing to work with the rescue for reduced fees. Skunks require medical care and treatment as part of the organization's responsibilities. Write a mission statement for the organization that all board members agree to follow. Create forms needed to support the business, such as relinquishment forms, policies and health forms.
5. Complete the incorporation of the rescue or organization. Request a "Doing Business As" (DBA) with the city, then file with the IRS for a 501(c)(3) nonprofit status. Filing a DBA and obtaining 501(c)(3) status allows a nonprofit organization to receive tax breaks and exemptions. To file a DBA visit the local courthouse or go online to the city's website and request a DBA form. Fill out the required information, submit it to the courthouse's filing clerk and pay the required fees. The DBA gets reported in the newspaper and becomes final. File with the IRS for 501(c)(3) status by visiting the IRS website and filling out the required documents.
6. Advertise the opening of the rescue by holding another charity event or festival. Let the community know that the organization is now accepting skunks and explain what the procedures are for relinquishing pet skunks. Have a booth where people can gather information about the organization and make donations.
Tags: skunk rescue, charity event, skunk care