Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Groom A Teacup Poodle

Teacup poodles require plenty of grooming.

Toy puddles, which are often called teacup poodles or French poodles, usually reach heights of 10 inches from the ground to the shoulders and weigh 6 to 9 pounds. They are perfect for apartment living, because with enough exercise they will remain docile indoors. When properly taken care of, the average teacup poodle's lifespan is between 12 and 15 years. Proper grooming will prevent infections, skin conditions and other health problems.


1. Brush your teacup poodle every other day to prevent matting and tangling of the fur. Also brush your poodle before and after a bath. Use a soft pin brush when grooming. Start at the head and work towards the tail. When you locate a tangle, isolate it with your fingers. Then slowly loosen it with your brush by starting at the skin and gently pulling up. Brush the entire body, removing tangles gently as you find them.

2. Bathe your poodle every two or three weeks, more often if it plays outside and gets dirty. Place your dog into a bath tub, and thoroughly wet it with warm water. Use a moisturizing dog shampoo, which can be bought at pet stores or groomers, on your dog. Use your fingers to rub the shampoo into the coat. Thoroughly rinse your poodle with warm water to remove all shampoo residues. Place your dog on a towel, and dry it with a blow dryer on a low-heat setting. While it is still slightly damp, brush it again with a soft pin brush.

3. Clean your teacup poodle's ears. Dogs with big and floppy ears are more likely to get ear infections due to earwax and dirt buildup. Purchase a dog ear cleaner at a pet store or from a veterinarian's office. Place a few drops of the ear cleaner into the ear, and use cotton swabs to wipe the cleaner around. Use the cotton swaps to remove any dirt, earwax, dead hair or other buildups. Only use the cotton swaps in sections of the ear you can see, and if the ear smells odd before a cleaning, consult a veterinarian because your dog probably has an ear infection. Clean your dog's ears every two or three weeks.

4. Clip your poodle's nails. You can purchase a good pair of dog nail clippers at a pet store. Start by trimming the end of the nails. The part of the nail you want to remove is firm and light colored on the inside. If you are clipping a nail and it feels spongy or is dark colored, stop immediately because you are trimming the quick area and that is painful for your dog. Cut the nail in small sections to avoid cutting into the quick.

Tags: your poodle, Clean your, cotton swaps, every three, every three weeks, Place your, poodle every