Friday, November 7, 2014

Run A Charity

For any charity to be successful, it must have in mind what effect it wants to have--and actually has--on its particular contingency. The charity must be clear in its objectives, including its values, vision and mission. Ultimately, the charity must have a clear plan of action for achieving these. At the core of this plan are the dedicated individuals who run it. Read on to learn more.


Run a Charity and Make a Difference

1. Comply with the laws governing non-profit or charitable organizations at both the state and national level. You should also be aware of any local laws which may affect how you choose programming or programming sites for your charitable endeavors.

2. Surround yourself with people who are passionate about what they do. Working in the non-profit sector generally means doing more work for less pay and finding your enjoyment in the fringe benefits--seeing how you can affect change in your community and nationwide. Those who you choose to work with should reflect a similar enjoyment in what they do.

3. Put in place a system of regular review to ensure that your charity stays on track towards its mission and intermediate goals. By preparing and reviewing an outline of the steps your charity will take to achieve its mission at regular intervals, you can correct any missteps you may take along the way.

4. Operate in a method that is fiscally sound by preparing and adhering to a budget which stays within your charity's annual fund raising capabilities. The skills of a trained development professional are essential in creating these realistic fund raising goals and seeking out grants and other sources of funds to fill in the gaps where necessary.

5. Deliver your charitable services in a cost-effective and efficient manner by recruiting and maintaining dedicated and well-trained volunteers. At the core of any successfully run charity are the individuals who donate their time to aid it in the achievement of its mission and goals.

6. Put in place adequate training practices for staff and volunteers to ensure the protection of vulnerable populations you may work with such as children. Create clear written policies regarding how staff and volunteers are to relate to the population your serve highlighting issues such as appropriate contact and privacy protection.

Tags: your charity, charity must, fund raising, must have, staff volunteers, what they, work with