Monday, February 2, 2015

Adopt A Dolphin

If you are passionate about dolphins and want to do something to ensure that they are protected and stay off the endangered species list, you can adopt one of the smooth, shiny creatures of the deep. However, unlike human adoptions, you will not be able to take your "baby" home with you. Instead, you will be able to contribute to its welfare and the protection of other dolphins. Often, animal aid groups that arrange for the adoptions will send sponsors a photo of their adopted animal, a certificate and other important information. The following steps will guide you in the adoption process.


1. Decide on the habitat or the type of dolphin you wish to adopt and learn more about. For instance, to adopt an Atlantic spotted dolphin, contact The Dolphin Communication Project which uses the funds from dolphin adoptions to study and save Atlantic spotted dolphins near the Bahamas. Provide the organization with your contact information and send your contribution in check or credit card form. After you adopt one of the spotted dolphins, you will receive several thank you gifts, including an adoption certificate, a photo of your dolphin, information about Atlantic spotted dolphins and Bimini--the area of the Bahamas where this project is centered, a video about dolphins, and a subscription to a quarterly newsletter.

2. Contact The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) of the United Kingdom to adopt a bottlenose dolphin. Send the Society your contact information and money in either credit card or international postal money order form. For your efforts, this Society will send you videos, brochures, a plush toy dolphin, a photo of your adopted dolphin and a copy of their WDCS magazine, published four times a year.

3. If you want to adopt a spinner dolphin of Hawaii, contact The Wild Dolphin Foundation which uses the funds to educate people about the spinner dolphins. After you adopt one of these creatures by sending the Foundation your contact information and money via credit card or check, the Foundation will send you a bumper sticker, personalized adoption certificate, subscription to their e-letter, as well as updated information about your dolphin.

4. Contact the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to adopt one of several types of dolphins. Provide WWF with your name and address and money in credit card or check form. You will receive a color photo of your dolphin, a brochure containing facts about dolphins, and a certificate of adoption. All funding to the WWF goes to protect the habitats of these animals.

5. Contact the Ocean Conservation Society to adopt a dolphin that lives along the California and Mexico coastline, or to adopt a dolphin that lives in the Florida waters, get in touch with the Dolphin Research Center Dolphin Society. After providing the organization with your name, address and money in check or credit card form, you will receive (depending on your level of sponsorship) a biography about your adopted dolphin, a certificate, access to the Society's special website, a subscription to its newsletter and admissions to the Center.

Tags: credit card, about dolphins, Atlantic spotted, contact information, photo your, spotted dolphins, will receive