Friday, February 20, 2015

Advantages & Disadvatages Of Cloning

Cloning could resolve organ shortages.

Cloning, or the process of making an exact copy of something, has been a scientific fascination for years. Most people are at least remotely curious about cloning but may not know enough about the science behind it to form an opinion. Learning about the pros and cons of cloning will help you to come to your own conclusion on the issue.

Favorable Reasons for Human Cloning

If scientists are able to clone human organs successfully, this can greatly improve the health of humans who may be suffering from disease---especially conditions in which an organ is deteriorating. For instance, if a patient needs a new liver or kidney, it is likely that one will be available if cloned organs are in abundance. Cloning could also be the answer for couples who are suffering from infertility; according to a CBS News report, about 12 million people in the United States are unable to have children. Doctors would be able to replicate certain favorable genes from the parents to produce a baby who biologically belongs to the mother and father. The process would allow parents to select certain traits for their children that would boost the baby's intellect or protect him from disease.

Advantages for Farmers

A number of farmers are interested in cloning because of the economic advantages. If the healthiest, strongest animals in the barnyard are cloned, these animals will be able to produce more milk that is acceptable for human consumption. The replicated animals may also be superior in health, which greatly reduces the amount of diseases that are spread among the animals, and eventually passed onto humans. If the prize animals in a herd are cloned, this will cut down on the untimely death of the animal, and the favorable genetics of the creature will cut down on the likelihood of the animal being injured, according to a Dallas Morning News report.

Disadvantages for Humans

Human is still illegal in most states, because many officials find the process unethical. Cloning is a method of creating another human life, which is something that many individuals believe should only be the work of God or a higher power. Scientists also believe that humans who are cloned may deal with the psychological challenge of already knowing all they will ever be capable of intellectually or physically. The clone would also be aware of any genetic diseases he would contract in life, which could be difficult for any human to process.

Disadvantages for Animals

When animals are cloned, the host mother usually suffers considerable physical strain and could have a number of spontaneous abortions. Because of the unusually high number of pregnancies that the host mother would endure, some clones are bound to have defects, that is, some animals may be born with unusually large limbs or breathing problems. And, there haven't been any long-term studies conducted by the Center for Food Safety to determine whether the meat or milk from cloned animals is completely safe for human consumption.

Tags: Cloning could, host mother, human consumption, life which, News report, suffering from