Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rescue A Chihuahua In Phoenix

A little fella like this guy could be yours!

Thinking of getting a Chihuahua? Chihuahuas are the greatest, most dismissed little dogs I can think of. They're given bad raps such as being yappy, having bad potty habits, and nipping. Good news! That's not true of all Chihuahuas, and a little training and patience can change those behaviors forever if your new guy or gal possesses any of them.


Finding Your New Family Member

1. Get on the Internet. There are many adoption agencies and shelters in Phoenix that house Chihuahuas, and some of them have only Chihuahuas, like Arizona Chihuahua Rescue. Online you have the ability to scroll through adoptable pets, read the animals' bios, and fill out applications to be approved for adoption.Another good thing is to go to the Phoenix Public Library and read up on Chihuahuas so you know what to expect. I recommend "Chihuahuas For Dummies."

2. Find some dogs you're interested in rescuing.Once you have found a few dogs you think would be a great fit for your family, bookmark the pages and fill out all necessary forms to get the ball rolling. I suggest finding a couple dogs only because when I was searching for my new pet, I was often disappointed by one already being taken, or being denied another because I had a child. Keep your options open and try not to get your heart set on just one little dog. Don't get discouraged if this process takes days, weeks, or even months. You want to be sure you find the best fit for your family. Agencies usually promote meeting with the animal first, and even bringing other animals in your family with you so everyone can get a good feel for each other before the new dog is brought home.If you don't want to go through an agency, you always have the option of heading down to the Arizona Humane Society. It always has dogs coming and going and there's no end to the possibilities. The only drawback to the Humane Society is that you don't always know the animal's background, which could pose a problem if you have children or other pets in your home. There is a new facility in South Phoenix that is very large and has five wings full of strays waiting to be picked up. You can go through these guys and if they are not claimed after five days, they will then go up for adoption. So stay on top of it if there's one you have to have.

3. Get prepared!. Now it's time for patience. These things take time, and agencies don't want to simply toss out their dogs to just anyone. They want to make sure their dogs are going to Forever Homes. So don't be insulted if they have questions or doubts about you, or deny you altogether. It only means that pooch wasn't the one for you, and your special friend is still out there.This is a good time to make sure you have everything you're going to need for your new family member. New toys, food and water bowls, bedding and snacks are needed. Pets, once they are accustomed to each other, don't mind sharing with each other. But initally I suggest buying your new dog his own things so he can feel special. They will be a little frightened and unsure, and it's your job to make him feel at home.

4. Get out your wallet.Once you find your new friend, i'ts time to fill out the paperwork and pay the fees. Some fees can be high, but keep in mind that they are necessary. These agencies give animals a second chance at life and finding Forever Homes, and boarding costs add up quickly when you have many dogs to care for. Agencies provide shots and vet check-ups, and often spay and neuter the animals. If you are looking for a lower fee, again, the Humane Society might be the way to go.

Tags: each other, Humane Society, dogs think, Forever Homes, make sure