Friday, February 27, 2015

Development Of A 13weekold Baby

Around 13 weeks, your baby should be holding his head up.

When your baby is 13 weeks, or about three months old, he will be experiencing a lot of new developments. You may begin to notice a distinct personality by this point. He is better able to control his body and actions. He will be more responsive to the world around him and begin to show preferences and emotions. This is an exciting time in an infant's life, as he seems to grow and develop more with each day.


By 13 weeks of age, the average baby weighs about 12.5 lb. She has grown to an estimated 23.5 inches long. This may vary depending on the size and length of your child at birth. Your baby has probably gained between 1.5 and 2 lb. each month since birth. Most babies grow about 1 to 1.5 inches in length each month for these first few months of life.

Physical Development

At this age, the most notable physical development may be your baby's ability to hold her head up. She should be able to support her head very well. When you sit her up and provide support, she can even maintain a sitting position. Her hands can grasp and hold small objects, so rattles are an ideal toy for her. Though her vision was extremely limited at birth, she can now see as far away as 15 or 20 feet. She will be tracking objects with her eyes, responding well to faces and even smiling. Her movements are more intentional now as opposed to the reflexes she used early in life, and she will turn her head in response to a familiar voice.

Mental and Social Development

Babies in this stage of life are becoming much more aware of their surroundings. Your child is beginning to anticipate actions such as feeding and may become excited at the sight of the bottle or breast. When a familiar family member is in the room, he may try to attract attention to himself. He can imitate the facial expressions of others and stay attentive for as long as 45 minutes.


By this point, many parents are relieved to find that their baby is sleeping through the night. At 13 weeks, most babies will sleep for a stretch of seven or eight hours at night. She should be making a distinction between night and day now. If she isn't, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that you can encourage her to learn the difference by keeping the house active and light during the day and quiet and dark at night. Keep night time feedings very subdued and take the time to play and interact with her during the day.


Around 13 weeks, you baby will be drinking about five or six oz. of formula at each feeding. He probably has about five feedings per day now. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding breastmilk or formula exclusively until six months, so he shouldn't be eating any other foods at this point. If he isn't gaining enough weight from formula or breastmilk alone, your pediatrician may recommend that he start solids soon, but you should not introduce these types of foods to your baby's diet without first consulting your doctor.

Tags: your baby, this point, about five, Academy Pediatrics, American Academy, American Academy Pediatrics, Around weeks