Friday, February 13, 2015

The Best Ways To Care For Pygmy Goats

Learn what a pygmy goat likes --- and dislikes --- to make caring for it easier.

Looking after pygmy goats can be easy or difficult. The only reason for difficulty is if the owner doesn't understand the general characteristics of the breed. Considering their likes and dislikes, and acting upon them, is the key to ensuring their continued physical health and general happiness. These likes and dislikes extend to factors such as their environment and their food.

Location of Pygmy Goats

Pygmy goats are found all across Africa, but are mostly concentrated in the western regions, such as Cameroon. The goats are characterized by their relatively smallness; with their stocky, muscular build, the goats are said to resemble a "beer keg with legs." Pygmy goats can also be found in western and northern Europe as well as North America, due to exportation from their native home. A good number of the pygmy goats outside Africa are found in wildlife care centers or owned as farm animals.

General Care

Just like any animal, pygmy goats have basic requirements. Their natural characteristics have to be taken into account just like any other wild or tame animal's. In this case, an owner of pygmy goats has to be aware that they are social animals that hate to be on their own. Pygmy goats also enjoy having freedom to explore, climb and jump, so providing a large space with many interesting features is essential for the good mental and physical health of the goat. Grooming is also advisable for the general health of pygmy goats. It includes trimming the hooves at least every month and grooming the hair with a comb or wire brush at least once a week. All pygmy goats must also be wormed once every year.

Living Area

As mentioned before, a large area with the capacity to comfortably hold at least two pygmy goats is the most important factor when it comes to housing. However, the owners of pygmy goats must also keep a number of other factors in mind. Many leaves and plants are poisonous to pygmy goats, so keeping your goat's area clear of such threats is essential. You'll also need a dry, roofed structure that can accommodate multiple goats for a sleeping area. Off-ground sleeping areas are recommended, as pygmy goats don't like sleeping on the ground.

Food Issues

Pygmy goats are fussy eaters and will not touch food they see as dirty. This means the goats won't eat food from the ground unless they particularly hungry. A proper feeding area that keeps food away from the ground is vital to ensuring the health of pygmy goats. Owners of pygmy goats have a few options regarding what to feed them --- commercial goat grain, alfalfa hay or a mixture of dry leaves, hay and tree bark all help to maintain a healthy diet. Water is also quite important for the health of pygmy goats. In general, there isn't a fixed amount of water that should be provided. Enough fresh water to last for an entire day, even if it's too much to finish in a day, is advised.

Tags: pygmy goats, health pygmy, health pygmy goats, likes dislikes, pygmy goats, pygmy goats, from ground