Friday, March 27, 2015

Become An Active Dog Rescuer

Mistreated dogs need to be rescued and given good homes.

Dogs who become lost or are abandoned by their owners end up as strays. Other dogs are kept by people who abuse or neglect them. In both of these cases, dogs are in need of rescue so they can be placed in a loving home. Unlike wild animals, dogs have been bred to live with humans, and most of them don't do well on their own or in the wild. Rescuing dogs is a compassionate and fulfilling activity, but it must be undertaken intelligently to avoid injury to either the dog or yourself.


Learn About Dog Psychology

1. Familiarize yourself with the way that dogs think. Do this by spending a lot of time around dogs, with people who are experts on dogs and in dog behavior classes. Rescuing dogs involves close interactions with dogs who don't know you, and if you can't speak their language, you can easily frighten or anger them, resulting in them either running away or attacking you.

2. Practice communicating with dogs. Work with your own dog, friends' dogs, or dogs at a local shelter where you can volunteer. Dogs communicate primarily with body language and will respond in similar ways to humans using the same language. For example, staring directly into an unknown dog's eyes will almost certainly be perceived as a threat or a challenge.

3. Read books and articles by dog behavior experts and by people with experience in animal rescue. Rescue situations may be particularly tense because dogs are likely to be tense, frightened and disoriented, increasing the chances that they may become aggressive. The more you can look at the situation from the dog's point of view, the more likely you are to respond appropriately.

Find Dogs Who Need Help

4. Be prepared to help dogs who have become lost and are stray. Carry a collar, leash and gloves in your car in case you happen upon a stray dog by chance. Never try to chase a stray dog if it won't come to you; this will only make it more frightened.

5. Get involved with your local Humane Society or dog rescue agency. They frequently receive phone calls about dogs who are in need of help. Your involvement with a group of this kind will also grant you a certain level of legitimacy and authority if you are put in a situation where you need to remove a dog from an abusive situation.

6. Spread the word amongst friends, neighbors and acquaintances that you are involved in dog rescue. People will think of you when they see a stray dog or are alerted to a dog who is being abused or neglected. Be prepared to put yourself at risk in some situations. Both dogs and owners who are in abusive situations can become aggressive when someone shows up with the intention of rescuing the dog. Be prepared to call for police assistance if necessary.

Tags: dogs need, become aggressive, become lost, dogs have, Rescuing dogs