Monday, September 28, 2015

Breed Bichon Frises

Bichon Frises are sweet, loyal animals that breed well.

Many dog owners contemplate breeding their dogs at least once. Bichon Frise owners are no exception. With its sweet disposition, intelligence and hypo-allergenic fur, this breed is ideal for a variety of families and can mean a decent profit for the breeder. When you decide to breed your dog, you must know the proper steps to ensure that your dog, the stud and the puppies are all happy and healthy.


Pre-Breeding and Mating

1. Determine the age of the dogs. Typically, a female dog goes into heat within her first year. Male dogs hit puberty between six and 12 months of age. Once a male dog reaches puberty, he can breed at any time.

2. Find a stud. Owners of female Bichon Frises who do not own a non-related male Bichon Frise must find a stud to breed with the female dog. Consult websites devoted to breeding Bichon Frise dogs. Ask at local animal hospitals or go to markets where dog breeders tend to sell puppies.

3. Before agreeing to breed your dog, look over the potential stud. Ask the owner for papers stating that the stud is 100 percent purebred. Ask for health records to ensure that the stud does not have any diseases, allergies or complications.

4. Agree on a price and make arrangements for bringing the stud to your house when the time comes. Keep all of the owner's contact information handy as well as the stud's health information.

5. Look for signs that your Bichon Frise is going into heat. Signs include decreased appetite, swelling of the vulva, constant licking of the vulva and frequent urination. Blood spotting around the vulva also occurs. Once you notice blood spotting, write down the day it occurred and contact the stud owner.

6. Allow your Bichon Frise to go through the first stage of heat. Female dogs do not breed often during the first stage. Signs of the first stage of heat include brown or red discharge/blood and a moderately swollen vulva.

7. Closely monitor the first stage and prepare for the second stage of heat, which includes ovulation. Signs that your female Bichon Frise is entering the second stage of heat include yellow discharge and a very swollen vulva.

8. Allow the dogs to mate. Once your female Bichon Frise has entered into the second stage of heat, she is ready to breed. Ideally, breeding is successful during the first two days of the second stage.

Post-Mating and Birth

9. Take the dog to the vet. On day 34 of her pregnancy, a blood progesterone test can be performed to ensure the dog is pregnant. Pregnancy lasts between 56 and 69 days.

10. Keep a close watch on the dog and increase food intake. After day 32, your dog must have two times as much food as she would normally eat. Supplement her current food with puppy food to provide additional nutrients.

11. Make a comfortable spot for the dog to give birth. Two weeks before the puppies are due, put down a large box with sides that are several inches high. Place newspapers and disposable diapers on the bottom of the box. Keep the box in a warm, quiet place. Ensure that it is easy for your Bichon Frise to get in and out of the box.

12. Begin taking your dog's temperature every day at noon two weeks before she gives birth. Dogs typically maintain a temperature of 101 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. When your dog begins displaying a temperature below 100 degrees, she is ready to have her puppies in the next 24 hours.

13. Allow your dog to deliver. Dogs are self-sufficient and rarely require help from humans when delivering. Allow your dog to clean up and care for her puppies.

Tags: Bichon Frise, stage heat, first stage, second stage, Allow your, Bichon Frises, female Bichon