Friday, October 24, 2014

Bathe A Goldendoodle

A goldendoodle is a hybrid of a golden retriever and a poodle.

A goldendoodle is a dog achieved by breeding a golden retriever with a poodle. The result is a dog that looks like a golden retriever but has the long, curly hair of a poodle. This breed of dog can be a joy to own, but many owners have trouble bathing and grooming their goldendoodles because the fur can easily become dirty and matted. The key to success in bathing a goldendoodle is to brush your dog often to prevent matting and to bathe the dog on a regular basis.


1. Brush your dog thoroughly (the legs, back, belly, neck and head) with a dog grooming brush. Brushing your dog before bathing will keep tangles from turning into mats.

2. Use the teeth of the brush to gently break up any tangles you find while brushing your goldendoodle. If you encounter mats that cannot be broken up with the brush, use scissors to trim away the matted area. Do not cut away more fur than necessary.

3. Fill an indoor bathtub or a large outdoor utility tub with 4 to 6 inches of warm water.

4. Place your goldendoodle in the tub and use a plastic cup to pour water over its neck and back to dampen the fur.

5. Pour a generous amount of baby shampoo onto a wet washcloth and knead the washcloth to work up a lather. Use the washcloth to wash your dog's face, neck and head. When washing your dog's face, do not wash too close to the eyes and avoid wetting the inside of your dog's ears, if possible, to avoid causing ear infections.

6. Pour more shampoo into the washcloth and work it into a lather. Use the washcloth to wash the rest of your dog. Rub the shampoo into the fur around your dog's legs, back and belly. You may need to reapply shampoo to the washcloth and lather the dog several times in order to clean its entire body.

7. Rinse all of the soap off your dog's body using the plastic cup. Rinse the washcloth with fresh water and use to remove any soap from your dog's head and face. Rinse away all soap residue to prevent matting.

8. Take your dog out of the tub and rub it down with a dry towel. If your dog will tolerate the use of a hair dryer, you can use the lowest setting to dry your goldendoodle's coat. You may also let your dog air-dry, especially if it is a sunny day outside, but use a towel to remove most of the excess water first.

Tags: golden retriever, your goldendoodle, back belly, lather washcloth, lather washcloth wash