Monday, October 6, 2014

Raise Two Rottweilers

Raising one rottweiler is a challenge, but adding another to the mix doubles your workload.

The decision to adopt or buy a dog is a big one, especially when you're considering a large breed such as a Rottweiler. Caring for a dog takes a lot of time, money and effort. Deciding to buy or adopt two dogs is an even bigger decision. Dogs are social animals and gain a lot from having a companion, but it doubles the work for the owner. Raising two Rottweilers can be extremely challenging, but also, if done properly, can bring great rewards to your life such as love, companionship and increased responsibility.


1. Select the type of food you will feed your two Rottweilers. Depending on the age, size, gender and activity level of your Rottweilers, they will need between 5 and 10 lbs. of high-quality dog kibble a week. The ideal number of feedings per day is two: one in the morning and one at night. Ask your veterinarian what brand of food he recommends and how much he recommends for each dog. Make sure to stick to this amount. Feeding Rottweilers too much or too little can affect the dog's' health. The dogs should be given access to fresh water at all times.

2. Take your Rottweilers to the vet for an initial checkup and shots. After that, take them to the vet regularly. They will need shots every one to two years, as well as fecal smears to test for worms, kidney function tests, teeth cleanings, and flea, tick, and heartworm prevention medications. The vet will help you keep track of when the dogs need veterinary care.

3. Potty train your Rottweilers beginning the first day you have them. It is important to establish a regular bathroom routine to prevent accidents. If you prefer the crate-training method, keep the dogs in a roomy kennel (one dog per kennel) and let them outside every time you remove them from the kennel. They will eventually learn that they are to go to the bathroom outside once they come out of their kennel. This is a helpful technique if you plan to have them crated at night and when you are gone from the house. Another technique is word-association potty training. When you first have the dogs, pick a word to say each time they go to the bathroom outside. This could be "potty," "outside," "squat" or any other word that you wish to use. Say the word loudly and praise the dogs when they eliminate outside. Eventually, the dogs will associate this word with eliminating, and you will be able to use it as a command to make sure they eliminate outside when you want them to.

4. Take the dogs to obedience classes at your local pet store or obedience school. Because Rottweilers are so large and are known to be an aggressive breed, they need to learn discipline early on. Because there are two Rottweilers, the dogs can develop a pack mentality, making them difficult to train. It is important for the dogs to know that you are in charge and that they need to obey your commands. These classes will help you learn the types of commands needed to control the dogs. Obedience classes double as socializing classes, because the Rottweilers will learn to interact with other dogs. Praise them when they interact well. This includes tail wagging, friendly licking, and even sniffing another dog's behind (this is actually a polite greeting in the dog world!).

5. Establish an exercise routine. This is especially important with such a large breed. Rottweilers can weigh over 100 pounds full grown, and have a lot of energy. Because of this, they should get good-quality exercise for at least 45 minutes every day. This can include playing fetch in the backyard or local dog-friendly park, walks around the neighborhood, or even play dates with other dogs at the local dog park.

Tags: your Rottweilers, bathroom outside, eliminate outside, first have, have them, large breed, other dogs