Your state may subsidize the cost of cat spay or neutering services.
Government agencies and private nonprofit foundations provide funding to help pay for cat spay/neuter services. Spay/neuter services help to control cat population and prevent the cruelty or abandonment of unwanted animals. Spay/neuter services may be subsidized or offered for free to families who cannot not afford the high cost of the operation.
PetSmart Charities
PetSmart Charities, a nonprofit agency committed to funding programs to save the lives of homeless animals, provides emergency relief and work with animal welfare agencies across the country. The organization offers two cat spay and neutering grant programs. The Free Roaming Cat Spay/Neutering Program provides funding for a comprehensive trap-neuter-return of free roaming cats. Grants between $10,000 and $100,000 are considered during the application process. The Targeted Spay/Neuter Program provides funding for clinics to offer low-cost spay/neuter services to a specific segment of the community, such as low-income families who need spay/neuter services for cats. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to apply for a grant.
Local Foundation Grant Programs
The Black and Orange Cat Foundation helps low-income Ohio residents in Madison and Union counties with the costs to have their cat sterilized. The organization also has a trap-neuter-return program for free-roaming cats. The Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project in Lynwood, Washington offers free- and low-cost spay/neutering services for both tame and feral cats. Free-roaming cats are required to be ear-tipped to receive spay/neuter services. This allows altered free-roaming cats to be easily identified in the future.
ASCPA Grants
ASCPA Grants provide funding for spay/neuter programs across the country. Grants are provided to animal shelters and animal control departments to spay/neuter cats. Organizations must submit a letter of inquiry detailing their request for funding. ASPCA replies with either a rejection or an invitation to submit a full grant proposal. ASCPA also administers the National Spay/Neuter Project. The ASCPA spay/neuter team travels to your community and provides a week-long training to clinic staff. These services are provided at no cost to the organization. ASCPA also provides a four day in-house training in their New York offices. Training and travel expenses are fully subsidized for participating animal welfare staff members.
Local Government Grant Programs
The California Department of Food and Agriculture's Municipal Spay-Neuter Grant Program provides grants to municipal animal shelters. Grants help to pay for no- or low-cost spay/neuter services for the public. Oregon residents that live in Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Clark counties may be eligible for low-cost cat spay/neuter services. Pet owners receiving government assistance such as Medicaid or SSI qualify to have their cat or kitten spayed/neutered for $10.
Tags: neuter services, spay neuter, low-cost spay, low-cost spay neuter, Program provides