Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Incorporate A Second Dog Into The Household

Double the love...and responsibility.

If you are a dog owner and want to introduce a second dog into your household, there are several considerations you should take into account before introducing the dogs. Before incorporating a second dog into your house, you should first make sure that you have the resources, including money and time, to care for an additional dog. Once you feel that you are ready to bring another dog into your family, there are some steps you should take to ensure a successful incorporation of a second dog.


1. Make sure your first dog is dog-friendly. This is especially important for dogs that are rarely in contact with other dogs. Take your dog to a dog park or introduce her to another dog-friendly dog. Observe how your dog acts around other dogs. If your dog interacts well with other dogs, move on to the next step.

2. Select a second dog that complements your current dog. For example, if your current dog is an alpha dog, you'll want to adopt a dog that is more submissive. Also take the size of the dog into consideration. It is not always a good idea to bring together a small breed dog with a large breed dog.

3. Prepare your home for the arrival of the second dog. Set up baby gates to block off any areas that the second dog may not know is off-limits. Rearrange any furniture if you need to create space for the second dog.

4. Introduce the dogs in a neutral territory. You don't want to bring the second dog into the house immediately because the first dog may feel that the second dog is encroaching on his territory. Find an outdoor fenced-in area for the introduction. You and a friend should have each dog on a leash, apart from each other. Slowly introduce the dogs to each other, keeping each on the leash. Eventually, you and your friend should drop leashes and allow the dogs to become fully acquainted. Be sure to praise both dogs when they are playing well together to let them know you are pleased.

5. Bring both dogs into your home on leashes. Keep them apart at first to see how the first dog reacts to a second dog entering the home. Remove the leashes as long as the first dog is not aggressive or agitated.

6. Praise and provide treats to the second dog in front of the first dog. This shows your first dog that you approve of the second dog.

Tags: into your, other dogs, both dogs, each leash, each other, feel that