Before deciding on a place to meet single men, think about what you want in a man. What kind of things would a man who interests you be doing? Once you have figured this out you can start going to these places and finding a compatible guy. If you are a couch potato and love watching the tube, you wouldn't want to meet a risk taker who sky dives. You would not want to meet a book worm if you are all about dancing in the clubs.
The Great Outdoors
Go to a baseball game to meet a local sportsman. Watch a game or show up and watch them practice.
You can meet a man at a public country club bar. Ask your friends to meet you after work for happy hour and watch as the men come in off the links. Golfing is an activity enjoyed by many men. Find out when the club is holding tournaments for that would be a good day to stop in for a drink on the way home from work.
A hiking club would be a good place to meet a guy if you like the great outdoors. Call the local YMCA, check online or look through the newspaper for one near you. They have all age and ability levels for hiking, so be sure to pick the right one for you.
Fishing is mostly a man's sport. Show up at the shore with your fishing pole and pretend you do not know what you are doing. A nice fisherman might come to your aid and bait your hook. Little will he know he just took the bait. Check the newspaper for fishing tournaments in your area, which is where many guys will appear. Ice fishing is a popular sport so don't save this tip just for warmer months. Bundle up and get out there.
New Twist On Old Favorites
Try speed dating. It is quick and to the point. You meet people and then decide if you would like to see each other again. Speed dating isn't for everyone, but it can find you a man in a hurry.
Going to clubs has been a popular activity for the past few decades to meet prospective mates. It is still a good idea today, but do it safely. Never go off with someone you just met. There is evil that trawls the waters of the clubs, so have fun, but be careful.
The video game aisle at a store is also a place to meet a guy. Most single guys have a gaming system. Watch online for a new popular game to be released and get all jazzed up and walk the isles. Think of it as a dating game show.
Tags: place meet, game show, want meet, would good