Have your students make interesting, educational posters on rabbits.
Rabbits are adorable, furry animals that flourish both in the wild and as pets in the home. Many children are fascinated by animals of all kinds, and rabbits can make an interesting topic for children in elementary-level classes to study. There are many interesting, informative topics to choose from if your students are making posters on rabbits.
Rabbit Breeds
Children will enjoy the learning process that accompanies making a poster on the various breeds of rabbits. Have them focus on breeds of rabbits that live in the wild or are bred as pets, depending upon what the class is studying. A poster on wild rabbit breeds could discuss desert cottontails and jack rabbits while a poster on pet rabbits could include angora and English lop breeds.
An interesting topic for a rabbit poster is the misconceptions surrounding owning rabbits as pets. According to the Ontario Rabbits website, this misconceptions include rabbits as the perfect starter pets for children--as low-maintenance, low-cost pets and as cuddly animals. Have the children outline the reasons why these are myths in their poster.
Rabbit Diet and Care
Create a poster discussing the diet requirements and care of rabbits as pets. Children will enjoy learning about take care of these cute animals and can list the foods rabbits need, such as hay, pellets and fresh vegetables. Other care-related topics include treats, grooming, bonding, litter training and housing.
Rabbit Health
Have your students make a poster about the health problems and issues associated with rabbits. For example, the poster can list health problems such as gastrointestinal issues, fleas and abscesses, and provide advice for owners on recognizing them. For example, the Ontario Rabbits website recommends learning your rabbit's daily schedule in order to recognize behavioral changes, which can indicate health issues.
Making a poster on rabbit adoption is a suitable project for a classroom unit on animals in society. While rabbits are often purchased from pet stores, a poster on rabbit adoption can help to remind individuals that there are many rabbits in animal shelters Have the children list animal shelters in their area that offer rabbits for adoption and the associated fees.
Tags: your students, animal shelters, breeds rabbits, Children will, Children will enjoy